• We’ve Picked Our 1D Contest Winners!


    Guess what, Directioners? After months of searching through your love notes and artwork to One Direction, we’ve picked one winner for each of our two contests (“Show Your 1D Love” and “Your 1D Artwork”) — and the One Direction guys have made one very special video and taken one very special photo for the two winners of these amazayn, exclusive BOP and Tiger Beat contests. The winner of the “Show Your 1D Love” contest is bopandtigerbeat.com reader Miriam, and the winner of the “Your 1D Artwork” contest is bopandtigerbeat.com reader Monique. We’ll post 1D’s personal videos and photos to the winners next week right here on our website, but we went to send a big CONGRATS to Miriam and Monique for winning.

    Thank you to everyone who entered the contest — all of your notes and artwork were phenomeniall! Directioners rock.

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