• Gracie Dzienny's Life Soundtrack

    gracie dzienny kca

    When you're strolling down the sidewalk, basking in the sunshine and kicking up your heels, have you ever thought, 'if only I had the perfect song to go along with this superb moment in time'? Hey, we're all guilty of wishing we had a soundtrack to our lives, just like in the movies. Every second would be like a rockin' dance party! And even though Gracie Dzienny is lucky enough to have her on-screen life on Supah Ninjas dubbed with kick butt music, she still wishes she could add an upbeat tune to her everyday existence.

    gracie dzienny kca

    While chatting with Shine On Media, Gracie had fun answering a few oddball questions, and revealed that she's got a bit of a love for 80s montage moments. When she was asked what song would be on the soundtrack to her life, she gushed, "It'd be something really cheesy. Like an 80s movie song...I love that. And I'd be like, running and skipping."

    But this silly Q and A didn't end there. Gracie also admitted that if she could be any animal it would be, "a monkey." And if she could play any sport in the Olympics, it would be, "gymnastics."

    So, Gracie's got a dream of living in a jungle and doing somersaults through the trees? Hey, as long as there's an 80s tune jamming in the background, we think she'd be perfectly pleased!
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