• Cody Simpson Explains The Meaning Of Gold Coast’s Finest, And Announces His Mixtape!


    Many of us have heard Cody Simpson mention “Gold Coast’s Finest” a number of times, but we didn’t know exactly what it meant. Cody must have realized that, so he took to Twitter to explain!

    " The last couple of weeks I’ve secretly put a mixtape together for my fans. Finishing it up this week. Stay tuned! #AngelsAndGentlemen I also wanted to talk about Gold Coast’s Finest for a moment, so please prepare for a little twitter rant….Gold Coast’s Finest was founded by a group of friends to promote refinement. we encourage all of you out there to claim your own ___Finest. Finest is a reference to being a gentlemen or a lady. It means conducting yourself with respect and dignity. it also means treating others with respect and dignity. we should all strive to be the FINEST people we can be. angels and gentlemen that concludes my rant. have a wonderful evening and prepare yourself for my mixtape coming soon! #AngelsAndGentlemen "

    Thanks for explaining Cody! And we can’t wait to hear your mixtape!
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